Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cheap Phone Online-Here’s What’s Inside Google Glass’ Box

Here’s What’s Inside Google Glass’ Box-Cheap Phone Online

April 17, 2013

though we've seen Google Glass be leaked, be announced, be presented, be demoed, be worn, be used and even be mocked, it's always represented some far off future technology that we never were sure if it would ever be real (in a I can't believe it's already here kind of way). But it's totally happening guys. And this is what it looks like. Brandon Allgood got his hands on the Google Glass box and revealed what's inside the future.

It's wonderfully clean packaging that includes two different visors, a carrying bag, a power adapter, a power cord and Google Glass. It looks like people in the Google Glass Explorer program are getting there taste (or I guess sight?) of Glass, the world is never going to be the same! Or something like that. [Mylan Cellular via Engadget]

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